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Contact : 480-704-6133

Regenerative Injection Therapy

Regenerative Injection Therapy (Prolotherapy) is a series of injections to help the body to heal. This can be done on any joint to help increase and speed the ability of the body to heal itself. Treatments are typically spread out 4-6 weeks apart. This is an alternative approach to some surgical interventions as well as pain that does not qualify for surgery. The solutions used range from dextrose (sugar water) to amniotic fluid. For more information, go to prolotherapycollege.org. If you would like to have a consult to see if you are a candidate, it is $50 that will go towards the procedure cost if you have it done.

PRP (Protein Rich Plasma)

Protein Rich Plasma

PRP is used to help heal injured tendons, ligaments and muscles. It uses your own plasma to help stimulate the healing cascade. We can typically get 5cc of PRP from one draw. That can be used in two large joints. Pricing for one joint $500, additional joints an extra $25 per joint. Call to schedule an appointment.

TRAUMEEL Injections

TRAUMEEL Injections

An affordable alternative, Traumeel Solution is an anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, anti-exudative combination formulation of 12 botanical substances and 1 mineral substance. TRAUMEEL Injection Solution is officially classified as a homeopathic combination remedy (1). Botanical ingredients: Arnica montana, radix (mountain arnica)



Amnio injections can eliminate the need for steroids. During an amniotic fluid injection, amniotic stem cells are injected near damaged tissues to help them regenerate. They reduce inflammation and can greatly decrease recovery time. Amniotic injections encourage tissue growth and healing of the damaged area.

Wharton's Jelly Allograft

Wharton's Jelly Allograft

Wharton's Jelly Allograft cells have the potential to become regenerative replacements for cells your body loses through wear and tear, injuries, or painful joint conditions. The injection is designed to protect, cushion, and lubricate the damaged soft tissue and/or joint(s).